Friday, October 15, 2010

Phuket, vegetarian festival

At Phuket, we couch surfed with DJ. He is really good at photography. This was the first night we met, and he was trying Ben's camera.

My friend Panyuan visited me at Phuket and stayed DJ's place for a night too.

Panyuan was there during the vegetarian festival, we were eating all kinds of vegetarian food.

The night parade we went to was very crowded.

The parade at a day time. Firecrakers were everywhere.

We didn't find any offical explanation about why they do these piecing. But it says some spirts choose those brave men, and it is a way of showing the respect.

It is scary...

People eat no meat and wear white during the festival.

1 comment:

  1. jin
    must have been wonderful having a friend visit while on the road.
    piercing and no meat eating. hmmm.
    i imagine you both back in china, true or false?
