Monday, September 6, 2010


On the way to Borobudur, we saw the sun rising behind Gunung Merapi. That was my first volcano.

The other day we rented a scooter and went to Kaliurang to have a closer view of Gunung Merapi.
We hung out there for an hour but it was too cloudy to see it. It was nice weather up there and it was the first time we felt cool for a long while.

Borobudur. It's amazing to think about it surviving under Merupi's ash flow, terrorist bombs and earthquakes.

We made it to the top first, and Merapi started to collect clouds.

The top


the stone work here is very exquisite and it's from a similar time period as Angkor, but the story here is more interesting.
Angkor focuses more on royal life, country affairs, gods and devils. Borobudur has Javanese life 1000 years ago as well as Buddhist doctrines.
It was the first time I saw so many carvings about animals.

1 comment:

  1. volacanic adventures
    and you both still look like you are just out for a walk around the plaza

    truly jin and ben, i find myself dreaming along with you two
    so thankful for the personal experience you are sharing with us

    i send my love
