Monday, July 19, 2010

Lulu the wonderdog

We are now back in Bangkok. It was sad leaving Koh Chang after 17 nights, but once I realized that all my stuff was starting to grow mold, it was a little easier.

Koh Chang was amazing. We chilled, drank coffee, chilled more, sat on the beach, went for walks, rented scooters, and did all kinds of other mellow things!

I was especially sad to leave our new found friend, Lulu, the black furry dog from Ice beach Bungalows, but we will always have the memories(esp of her smell!) Me and Jin semi adopted her, and she loved us, always followed us back to our bungalow, and even managed to climb the small leaning ladder up to our porch to chill with us. She'd stay there all night while we slept, and be waiting for us in the morning when we got up. Then when we'd go out for food, she would follow us up the path to her owners house, and wait there for us until we came back, or go for a walk in the creek, either to get some water, or work her way up to the garbage pile waiting for collection at the main road. She was so sweet, and really loved me and Jin. Her super furry hair had a few dreadlocks, which we cut off(i know, not very phish tour esque), and we even got her a comb. She loved when we brushed her, and she'd always sit down and smile while we combed out her thick hair.

The funniest thing about Lulu was her eating habits. She especially loved cookies and seaweed flavored crackers. She liked bread sometimes, loved beef, sticky rice and cheese sandwhich crackers... She would definitely not eat pringles, dried fish, fruit, an assorted variety of crackers and coconut cakes, and anything else that we didnt like. If you arent a fan of something, there was a good chance that Lulu definitely wouldn't like it.

We thought about asking to adopt her, which is probably the closest i've come to getting a dog. However, after realizing just how picky she was about food, and how great her life was at the bungalows, I decided she would be better off at Koh Chang... Although her total chillness and complete lack of caring about anything(thunder, intruders(besides cats), would make her an awesome Phish lot dog. So, sadly, Lulu remains at Ice Beach.

Back to BKK. Me and Jin have found ourselves at the Rainbow Guest House and Indian Restaurant near Khao San Road, once again. For 300 baht a night(9 dollars), we got 2 dorm beds in an AC room at the best backpacker neighborhood in town. We just got back last night, Sunday. Today, we spent the day at Pantip Plaza getting Jin's computer fixed! We are happy to say that it is now back in action! At first, we went to the Samsung official repair shop, where the comp sat for a couple hours, before we got an estimate of 5700 baht to fix it... which would replace the whole main board. We could buy a new netbook for around 10,000 baht, so this seemed a bit expensive, especially since it would take at least 3 days. Then we took the comp to some little comp shop in the electronics mall, about 20 feet from the Samsung repair place, and within 3 hours, the computer was fixed for around 60 bucks.... Not too bad? So, now we have the good ol' netbook back in action... and we can now blog(for free) with our wifi at the hostel!

In the next few days, we will be most likely heading down to Ko Pha Ngan(Sp?) down in southern Thailand for the full moon party on the beach! the party takes place every full and half moon and supposedly has between 10 and 50000 people there regularly!!! We will give a full update if we survive! Tomorrow, we are going to the Australia embassy to look in to the chances of me getting a Work and Holiday Visa. Apparently you can work picking fruit in Austalia, and make between 50 and several hundred dollars a day picking fruit, veggies or whatnot. So... we may be making a detour to down under to re up on the funds, party with some kangaroos, and throw a few shrimp on the barby! But first we are thinking of flying to Indonesia to see Bali, some Kimodo dragons, and Borobudur!!! So, we shall see what the future brings.


  1. aloha, j&b
    good to see the blog back

    koh chang with a dog and molding backpacks
    all so romantically cool

    i hope you find the full moon

    love you guys

  2. big komodos in the pond at Lumpini Park there in BKK, buckets of booze and lovely floating fire lanterns at the full moon parties and sweet dogs awaiting in Bali...yes, do see Bali! I have some Aussie connections in Oz if you need...envious that you are beyond the traveler classification and into the true adventurer dream some day too.

  3. Beautiful dog. I wonder what breed...
