Sunday, March 14, 2010

Ben hangs out in Women's Room

The funest thing happened in Beijing was Ben went into the Women's Room and enjoyed it.
He was relaxing in it, and took his time to wash his hands, looked in the mirror.
By the time he got out, he still didnt realize he went in the women's.
After we told him, he complemented how much better the lady's room was.

Ashly went to the bathroom with Ben. When he came out, he asked me was Ben still in there.
In where?
Women's Room!
I couldnt stop laughing when i heard Ashly found it's lady's room when he saw a lady squat in there. Then he went staight out. But Ben said he just found a nicest stall, so he didn't pay attention what did Ashly say or do.
We waited for a while until we saw Ben washing his hands in there, and looked himself in the mirror before he come out.

1 comment:

  1. The ladies' room in all countries are nicer than the men's. Another similarity between the US and China and not surprising!!! Missy has been in a few men's rooms and can concur.

